Why We Started

Why We Started

Aparajeyo is a non-government and non-profit organization that was solely founded to provide a range of services to socially excluded children, youth and women in Bangladesh. Through its programmes and projects, AB provides a range of rights-based services to children, youth and women through a holistic approach.

AB’s work with children and women complies with the United Nations Child Rights Convention and CEDAW. AB recognizes that children, youth and women are the holders of their own rights. And because these rights are invested in the person, they are no longer a passive recipient of charity but empowered actors in their own development. The organization emphasizes the need to respect children’s, youth and women’s ‘evolving capacities.

All programmes are expected to create spaces and promote processes designed to enable and empower children, youth and women to express their views, to be consulted and to influence decisions in all matters affecting them in accordance with their age and development.